800 guesthouses, 400 stalls built for Mann Shwesettaw Festival

In Magway Region’s Minbu District, specifically Minbu (Sagu) Township, for the Mann Shwesettaw Pagoda Buddha Pujaniya Festival, approximately 800 guesthouses and 400 stalls will be constructed to accommodate pilgrims and provide shopping opportunities, according to U Tun Tun Win, the Minbu District Administrator in Magway Region.
Myanmar Music Association to pay respects to veteran musicians
Myanmar Music Association (Central) Chairman U Lwin Myint said the 13th annual ceremony to pay respects to senior musicians will be held on 30 December.
Myanmar attends Belgian Pro League at ASEANCHAM EU and ACA Football Partners’ Business Networking Reception
Myanmar participated in a business networking reception jointly hosted by ASEANCHAM EU and ACA Football Partners at Dakota Arena in Deinze, Belgium, ..............
Myanmar to showcase its products at 2nd Guangxi New Silk Road New Year E-commerce Festival & 2024 Online Shopping Festival in China
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Myanmar products that will be showcased at the 2nd Guangxi New Silk Road New Year E-commerce Festival and the 2024 Online New Year Shopping Festival in Nanning, ..............
MPPA gearing up fuel oil sales for summer paddy farmers
Myanmar Paddy Producers Association (MPPA) is preparing to sell 4 gallons of fuel oil per acre for summer paddy farmers in cooperation with the Perpetual Company Limited (TPC).
Free bamboo construction training programme to be launched in January 2024
A training programme on the utilization of bamboo in construction, jointly organized by the Vocational Skills Development Programme (VSDP) and Housing Now, will be free of charge starting in January 2024.
Myanmar workers in Malaysia required to pay income tax
The Myanmar Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, has announced that Myanmar labourers must pay a six-month income tax from October 2023 to March 2024 at the rate of two per cent.