Outstanding matriculation students honored in Palaw

Sponsored by Sayagyi U Ba Shwe Foundation, a ceremony to honor outstanding students who passed 2019 matriculation examination was held at its office in Palaw, Myeik District, Taninthayi Region yesterday.
Books, stationeries provided to students in Dedaye Tsp.
A ceremony to provid books and stationeries to students was held at B.E.P.S-1 in Ward-1 Dedaye, Pyapon District, Ayeyawady Region this morning.
Stationeries donated to disabled students in Taungoo Tsp.
A ceremony to donate stationeries to disabled students and son/daughter of disabled parents, organized by Myanmar Disabled Association (Taungoo Bureau), was held at Mahamunikelaza Dhamayone Taungoo, Bago Region yesterday.
Essay competition marks 72nd Martyrs’ day
An essay contest and a talk to mark 72nd Martyrs’ day were held at the library of the township Information and Public Relations Department in Mongye township, Shan state this afternoon.
Public accountability course continues in Kawkareik Tsp  
A public accountability course, jointly organized by the District Information and Public Relations Department and Thwee Youths group, continued its second-day training session at the community centre in the town of Kawkareik, Kawkareik district, Kayin state this morning.
Tugboat stranded in Chindwin River
A tugboat named “Zwe Myint Tun” loaded with coal was stranded in the Chindwin River near Shwekyin Village in Kalewa Township, Sagaing Region this morning.
Household utensils made of toddy palm leaves available in Kyaukhtu
Some residents in Tawkhalun Village, Kyaukhtu Town in Magway Region earn their living by creating household utensils made of toddy palm leaves.