Anlene provides free healthcare to service personnel in Nay Pyi Taw

With a view to ensuring government service personnel from Ministry of Information to more carry out their duties in a happy and healthy manner
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw funds handed over in Thandaunggyi Township 
A ceremony to present K 100 million of Pyiadaungsu Hluttaw fund for regional development in Thandaunggyi Township in 2019-2020 fiscal year was held at Pathi hall in Thandaunggyi Township, Kayin State yesterday morning with an opening speech by Township Administrator U Zaw Moe Aung.
Basic QGIS and mobile GPS training comissioned into service in Chin State
Basic QGIS and Mobile GPS Training, jointly conducted by Department of Rural Development (DRD) and Network Activities Group (NAG) was opened at the Department of Rural Development, Hakha, Chin State this morning.
Public lounge at Kawthoung border jetty near completion
With the aims of ensuring public safety and convenience, the public lounge is being constructed at an estimated cost of K 23.6 million allocated out of the Township Development Committee.
2nd public talk conducted in Loilen
A 2nd public talk was conducted in Loilen, south of Shan State on 14 and 15 January with the joint cooperation of social organizations, philanthropic organizations and local people.
Rural road opens to public to honour 72nd anniversary Union Day
A ceremony to inaugurate a rural concrete road was held in Peinhnegon model village in Kyaikmaraw Township, Mon State on Tuesday to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the Union Day.
Peaceful rally for better transportation in Nattalin Township
Some 200 people headed by U Aung Thu, U Than Tun and U Thant Zin Htet gathered in Nattalin Township, Thayawdy District, Bago Region this morning for the upgrading of the Nattalin-Damange-Taungnyo-Myothit road.