Children literature festival to be held in Myitkyina

A coordination meeting on the holding of children literature festival took place at the Mali Hall of Kachin State Government in Myitkyina, Kachin State this afternoon with an opening address by Kachin State Chief Minister Dr Khet Aung.
Rural healthcare center inaugurated in Phoungpyin Township
A ceremony for handing over a rural healthcare center under the Department of Public Health took place in Hehlaw Village in Phoungpyin Township, Sagaing Region on Sunday morning.
Disabled people in Khayan furnished with cash assistance
A cash presenting ceremony to the disabled people was held at the meeting room of the General Administration Department in Khayan Township, Yangon Region this morning.
Construction of gigantic sitting Buddha statue nearly complete
A giant sitting Buddha statue is being built on a mountain named “Three Pagodas” in Kyaikto Township,
Mini-marathon for men, women in Loikaw
A mini-marathon for men and women to mark the 67th Anniversary Kayah State Day was held at Demoso Township, Kayah State this morning.
Gifts for villages in Paung Township
With the assistance of Republic of Korea and under the leadership of Mon State Agriculture Department, a ceremony to reveal the signboard of a rural library and tarred road was held at Ahauk village, Paung township, Mon State this morning with an opening address made by Minster for Agriculture, Livestock and Transport U Tun Htay.
Fire drill conducted in Gyobingauk Township
A fire drill was demonstrated in the compound of the township electrical officer’s office in Gyobingauk Township, Bago Region this morning.