Total border trade value exceeds $545 mln in mini-budget year

MYANMAR’S trade with foreign countries through land borders reached over US$ 545.86 million as of 5 November in the mini-budget year of 2021-22 .............
People in Mandalay celebrates fullmoon of Tazaungmon event
P EOPLE in Mandalay yesterday celebrated the fullmoon of the Tazaungmon event (Samaññaphala Day).
Nay Pyi Taw pagodas alive with visitors on fullmoon of Tazaungmon
TAZAUNGMON is the eighth month of the Myanmar calendar and the Buddha delivered Samaññaphala Sutta to King Ajatasatta and his royal congregation on the fullmoon of Tazaungmon.
Famous pagodas in Yangon alive with pilgrims on fullmoon of Tazaungmon
F AMOUS pagodas in Yangon including the great Shwedagon Pagoda, Botahtaung Pagoda and Thiri Mingala Kaba Aye Pagoda, were alive with devotees on the fullmoon of Tazaungmon.
State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla join 1,000-oil light offering ceremony at Shwephonepwint Pagoda in Zeyathiri Township
THE month of Tazaungmon is the eighth month in the Myanmar calendar. The fullmoon of Tazaungmon was a significant day when the Lord Buddha delivered a sermon on the advantage of ordination called Samaññaphala Sutta to the congregation led by King Ajatasatta.
Construction of fire services station in Kamma completed by 100% 
Construction works of a two-storey apartment for employees from the Department of Fire Services in Kamma Township, Pakokku District in Magway Region began June 25 this year and now all the projects were completed by 100 percent.
ID cards issued to local people in Naungcho Twsp.
The township Department of Immigration and Population issued National Registration Cards and household lists to local people at the office of village Administrator in Mepok village in Naungcho Township, Shan State (North) yesterday.