FDA approves remdesivir as COVID-19 drug

The US Food and Drug Administration says it has approved the antiviral drug remdesivir as a treatment for COVID-19, based on data from multiple clinical trials. This is the first drug to be approved for the disease in the United States.
Coronavirus infections spike across Europe
France has expanded curfew measures to fight the spread of the coronavirus. It is one of the European countries that have seen a spike in infections.
Amnesty International: 56 dead in Nigeria protests
Amnesty International says at least 56 people have been killed in Nigeria amid widespread protests against police violence.
Rome and Italy's Lazio region to impose nighttime curfew
Italy's Lazio region, which includes the capital Rome, became the third in the country to institute a curfew on Wednesday, in an effort to contain dramatically rising coronavirus cases.
Coronavirus vaccine trial volunteer dies in Brazil
The Brazilian government has announced the death of a volunteer in the clinical trial of a coronavirus vaccine being developed by British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and Oxford University.
France's COVID-19 cases top 1 million -- Johns Hopkins University 
The number of COVID-19 infections in France reached 1,000,369 as of 0124 GMT on Thursday while the country's death toll from the disease hit 34,075, latest figures from the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University showed.
11 killed as landslides hit coal mine in Indonesia's South Sumatra 
 Landslides hit a coal mine in Indonesia's western province of South Sumatra on Wednesday afternoon, a senior disaster agency official said on Thursday.