Used car exports drive pollution to developing world: UN study

Getting rid of old cars is helping clean the skies over developed nations, but many clunkers are ending up in developing countries where they are add significantly to air pollution, a UN report warns.
Hawaii to start welcoming Japanese visitors

At least seven killed in blast at Pakistan religious school

27 October

Barrett confirmed to US Supreme Court in Trump pre-election triumph
The US Senate confirmed conservative jurist Amy Coney Barrett as the Supreme Court's newest justice Monday, delivering President Donald Trump a landmark win just eight days before the election.
Pope to celebrate Christmas without congregation: report
Pope Francis will have to forego meeting Catholics at the annual Advent and Christmas masses in the Vatican owing to the resurgent coronavirus pandemic, the specialist Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported on Monday.
Germany cancels Nuremberg Christmas market over virus
The German city of Nuremberg has cancelled its world-renowned Christmas market over soaring coronavirus cases, officials said on Monday.
WHO concerns over COVID-19 surge in Europe
The World Health Organization has expressed concern that Europe's latest wave of coronavirus infections is increasingly difficult to contain.