Dutch to shut museums, cinemas, sex clubs as lockdown tightens

The Netherlands will tighten its partial coronavirus lockdown with museums, cinemas, sex clubs and other public places to close for two weeks, Prime Minister Mark Rutte said Tuesday.
Aso: Japan is watching US presidential election
Japanese Finance Minister Aso Taro says his country is keeping a close eye on the US presidential election.
Indian PM condoles victims of terror attacks in Vienna
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Tuesday expressed condolences to families of the victims in terror attacks in Vienna, the capital city of Austria.
Kosovo brings back partial curfews amid virus surge
Kosovo has reimposed curfews for elderly citizens and tightened business hours as it tries to quell a spiking coronavirus caseload, the government announced Monday.
Merkel urges Germans to heed curbs for virus 'turnaround'
Chancellor Angela Merkel pleaded with Germans on Monday to comply with new restrictions to achieve a "turnaround" in the fight against the pandemic, and held out hope that families would be able to spend Christmas together.
Bangladesh has no plan to order new COVID-19 lockdown
The Bangladeshi government has no plan to order a new lockdown to contain a resurgence of COVID-19 cases in the country.
Edward Snowden aims to become dual US-Russian citizen
Fugitive US whistleblower Edward Snowden said Monday he had applied for Russian citizenship but would keep his US nationality.