Police arrest man in connection with shooting in E. Afghanistan

Police in Afghanistan's eastern Khost province arrested a man who was charged with murdering four members of a family, the country's Interior Ministry said on Tuesday.
China's Xi pays first visit to virus epicentre Wuhan
Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Wuhan on Tuesday for his first visit to the epicentre of the coronavirus epidemic since the crisis erupted in January -- a major sign that officials believe the outbreak is under control.
Afghan president Ghani sworn in for second term
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani expressed his resolve to open dialogue with the Taliban militant group as he was sworn in for a second term.
US begins troop withdrawal from Afghanistan
US forces have started to leave Afghanistan, following a recent agreement with the country's opposition Taliban group.
Italy to extend lockdown measures nationwide
Italy has taken the unprecedented step of putting the entire country under lockdown as nations around the world try to contain the spread of the new coronavirus.
U.S. envoy to visit Belgium over Syria issue
The U.S. State Department said on Monday that James Jeffrey, U.S. special envoy for Syria, will travel to Brussels, Belgium to attend Tuesday meetings at the NATO headquarters over Syria issues.
Radiation levels drop 78% around Fukushima Daiichi
Japan's nuclear regulator says radiation levels around the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have decreased to about a quarter of 2011 levels.