New Zealand foreign, trade ministers to visit India

The New Zealand foreign minister and trade and export growth minister will visit India on Tuesday, aiming to strengthen New Zealand's political and business ties with India.
Toyota restarts plant in Chengdu
Japanese carmaker, Toyota Motor, has resumed operations at a plant in Chengdu, China.
U.S. president arrives in India for two-day visit 
U.S. President Donald Trump arrived in India's western state of Gujarat on Monday for a two-day state visit to the country.
Hardliners win Iran's election
Conservative hardliners have won about 70 percent of the seats in Iran's parliament following Friday's vote.
South Korea becomes biggest coronavirus centre outside China
South Korea reported 161 more coronavirus cases Monday, taking the nationwide total to 763 and making it the world's largest total outside China.
Earthquake kills 9 in Turkey, injures many in Iran
A magnitude 5.7 earthquake struck in Iran on Sunday morning, killing at least nine people, including children in neighboring Turkey.
Policymakers predict rapid recovery
Chinese policymakers expect a quick recovery of economic growth after the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic is contained, as the country has made a series of strong policy adjustments to counter downward growth pressure.