Pence stresses need to keep N.Korea sanctions

US Vice President Mike Pence has stressed the necessity of maintaining sanctions against North Korea ahead of the second US-North Korea summit scheduled for later this month.
8 gold miners rescued in Zimbabwe
Rescue workers in Zimbabwe have pulled eight gold miners out of a tunnel that became flooded after a nearby dam collapsed on Tuesday, following heavy rain.
US, Russia at odds over arms reduction pacts
US Vice President Mike Pence and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov have traded barbs over their countries' bilateral arms reduction treaties.
US-China battle over Huawei heats up
The dispute between the United States and China over Chinese telecom giant Huawei is escalating.
Trump plans 'emergency' to fund wall as Congress moves to avert shutdown
President Donald Trump plans to declare a national emergency to fund his controversial border wall, the White House said Thursday, a move that alarmed US lawmakers shortly before they passed legislation to avert a government shutdown.
Sudanese president declares 2019 as year for peace in Sudan
Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir said on Wednesday that 2019 would be a year for peace in the country.
Brussels proposes adding Saudi Arabia to EU money-laundering blacklist
Saudi Arabia expressed "regret" on Thursday over EU proposals to add it and six other countries to a money-laundering blacklist of governments that do too little to thwart the financing of terrorism and organised crime.