Myanmar rice exports exceed 2 mln tonnes as of 19 June

The volume of rice and broken rice exported between 1 October and 19 June in the current fiscal year crossed 2.088 million metric tons, worth $621 million, according to an announcement from the Myanmar Rice Federation (MRF).
MR to resume train services to Bago, Ye from Yangon
Myanma Railways (MR) will resume passenger train services from Yangon to Bago and Ye in Mon State today (6 July), according to the MR office in Yangon.
Special flight arrives in Yangon with medical supplies, experts for fight against COVID-19
A SPECIAL relief flight carrying experts and personnel from five different organizations to provide support to the fight against the COVID-19 in Myanmar landed at the Yangon International Airport yesterday morning. 
Shwedagon Pagoda to enforce social distancing when it reopens
When the Shwedagon Pagoda reopens, three-feet social distancing will be enforced in line with guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Sports, said U Aye Tun, a member of the board of trustees of the Shwedagon Pagoda.
Phakant landslide investigation body visits families of deceased, injured
The investigation body into the landslide that occurred at a mining site in Phakant, Kachin State, on 2 July went to investigate at the site of the incident yesterday morning.
Cash aids provided to elderly people, pregnant women in Htanpakhae

Multi-purpose hall being constructed in Sidoktaya Tsp.