Mass immunization campaign conducted in Kanbalu

Under the guidance of Ministry of Health and Sports, medical staff from the township Department of Health conducted a mass immunization campaign in the town of Kanbalu, Sagaing Region this morning.
Apprenticeship — Myanmar Style
RECENTLY, while browsing the internet I came across a paper on a study of apprenticeship in Myanmar by a development partner. As was expected, ............
Formation of investigation body into mining landslide in Lone Khin, Phakant
Two Defence Services Personnel representatives substituted for Region Hluttaws
Statement of Myanmar National Human Rights Commission on Landslide in Hpakant, Kachin State
Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Planning, Finance & Industry Announcement No. 2/2020
Towards native land of King Alaung Mintaya’s First Queen Mei Yun San
KhinU Township, the native land of eminent Buddhist monk Webu Sayadaw, was also a birthplace of Mei Yun San, First Queen of King Alaung Mintaya, who established the Third Myanmar Empire.