Myanmar attracts FDI worth US$ 4.1 bln in 11 months
THE foreign direct investment in Myanmar during this fiscal year totaled more than US$ 4.1 billion in the current fiscal year, according to a source from the Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC). The MIC greenlighted 252 foreigner-invested projects that are valued at over US$ 2.55 billion and can create 135,000 job opportunities for Myanmar citizens from 1 October 2018 to 5 September 2019
JustLogin provides Myanmar with world-class HR automation

Four Myanmar youths awarded with Telenor MBA Scholarships
OUT of the more than 400 applicants for Telenor MBA Scholarship,----------
Helping farmers produce safe products, reaching markets is sine qua non
The setting up of trading centres in townships, on the lines of farmers markets, is a step towards establishing a farmers’ market system, which can boost the economic and environmental sustainability of local agriculture.
Can we turn suspended factories into engines of national economic growth?
Steel is an essential material in the industrial products and in building infrastructures.
Myanmar’s FDI inflows touch $4.3 bln
During the eleven-and-a-half months from October to mid-September in the current fiscal year,--------