Good preparation, management key to overcoming challenges in agro sector

With Myanmar experiencing the impact of climate change, the agricultural, livestock and irrigation sector, which is related to the climate, needs innovation and systematic management so it can adapt to the changing situation.
Aerobic course concludes in Gangaw
A ceremony to conclude aerobic training course was held at the office of IPRD in the town of Gangaw, Magway Region yesterday.
Cash aid provided to pregnant women, children in Shadaw Tsp.
A ceremony to provide cash assistance to pregnant women and children below two years old was held in the Town of Shadaw, Kayah State yesterday.
People's Saving
Disbursement of Agriculture And Rural Development JICA, Two Step Loan By Region/State
Local people participate in review on village development project
A review on a dirt road construction project carried out by the Township Rural Development Department was conducted at the Kunze village administrator’s office in Gangaw Township, Magway region yesterday. 
Posters reading ban on carrying arms put up in Kanpatlet Tsp

Kanpatlet, September 18