Construction of gigantic sitting Buddha statue nearly complete

A giant sitting Buddha statue is being built on a mountain named “Three Pagodas” in Kyaikto Township,
Mini-marathon for men, women in Loikaw
A mini-marathon for men and women to mark the 67th Anniversary Kayah State Day was held at Demoso Township, Kayah State this morning.
Drug bust in Hpa-an
As many as 3,393 stimulant tablets were seized in Hpa-an Township, Kayin State yesterday.
Gifts for villages in Paung Township
With the assistance of Republic of Korea and under the leadership of Mon State Agriculture Department, a ceremony to reveal the signboard of a rural library and tarred road was held at Ahauk village, Paung township, Mon State this morning with an opening address made by Minster for Agriculture, Livestock and Transport U Tun Htay.
Kachin police nab raw jade stones in vehicle search
Local police force seized different sizes of raw jade stones in a vehicle search in Indaw Township, Sagaing Region on Sunday.
Fire drill conducted in Gyobingauk Township
A fire drill was demonstrated in the compound of the township electrical officer’s office in Gyobingauk Township, Bago Region this morning.
School facility, furniture donated to Education Dept.
A ceremony to donate a two-storey school facility and school furniture took place at a basic education middle school in Thamechaung Village, Kawa Township in Bago Region yesterday morning.