Buddha Pujaniya festival of Kyaikkhauk Pagoda to be held

The Kyaikkhauk Pagoda festival is one of the largest festivals in Myanmar, attracting crowds of pilgrims throughout the country.
67th anniversary Kayah State Day celebrated in border town
A ceremony to mark the 67th anniversary of the Kayah State Day took place at the town hall in Mese, a border town in Kayah State this morning.
Rural electrification facility inaugurated in Kalaw
Shan State Minister for Planning and Finance U Sai Nyunt Lwin said that out of 253 villages in Kalaw Township, 97 villages have access to electricity, saying the local government has been carrying out developmental tasks to fulfill the needs of the local people.
Tourists enjoy river cruise tours along Ayeyawady River
Some globetrotters are continuously entering the country by car or motorbike or bicycle in either groups or crossing alone through border checkpoints to visit significant tourist attraction sites in the country.
Civics talks held in Thayet
With the joint cooperation of Thayet Information and Public Relations Department and the Township Education Department, civics talks were conducted at the Community Center yesterday.
Thirteen Myanmar migrant workers repatriated from Thailand
Some Myanmar migrant workers were repatriated due to illegal stay in Thailand without proper documents and the expiry of their border passes.
New library handed over to Mahlaing Township
A new library was handed over to Nyaungbintha village in Mahlaing Township, Mandalay Region yesterday.