Sunflower acreage grows to meet self-sufficiency

SAGAING Region will extend sunflower cultivation projects in the 2022-2023 Financial Year to secure local consumption of edible oil and reduce the imports of the oil.
Summer paddy price hits K800,000 per 100-baskets
THE price of summer paddy touched a high of over K800,000 per 100-baskets, said U Than Oo, secretary of the Bayintnaung Rice Wholesale Centre.
Export rice prices spiking
THE prices of rice for the export market are rocketing, said U Than Oo, secretary of the
Mandalay market sees brisk sales of wheat crops
WHEAT is highly demanded in the Mandalay market these days and also fetching a high price, beans and
Tomato fetches K800 per viss in NyaungU Tsp
THE tomato growers in Nyaun­gU Township, Mandalay Region receive a handsome profit with the
Kanbalu Tsp targets over 260,000 acres of oil crops for self-sufficiency
A total of 260,978 acres of oil crops are projected in Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Region in the 2022-2023 financial year, in a
Rice export prices to China flat
THE export price of rice to China is neither rising nor declining at present, said U Min Thein, vicechair of Muse Rice Wholesale Depot.