Black sesame market sluggish on low prices

THE market of black sesame seeds is seemingly inactive as the prevailing market price is not profitable for the traders, said traders from Mandalay.
Mango association suggests quality control to maintain market share
Approximately three to four truckloads of Seintalone mango are daily exported to China. Quality mango export is required to hold market share.
Peanut, sesame exports temporarily suspended to secure local consumption
THE exports of peanut and sesame seeds came to a temporary halt in order to ensure self-sufficiency in the domestic market, according to the Trade Department under the Ministry of Commerce.
Tomato growers expect good price in Pindaya Tsp
THE villages near Pindaya Township, Danu Self-Adminis­tered Zone in the southern Shan State execute cultivation of
Myanmar-Thailand border trade down by $12.79 mln in April
THE value of Myanmar’s bilat­eral trade with the neighbouring country Thailand through land border has registered a decrease of
Minbu market sees onion bustling trade
THE prices of onions are slight­ly rising and the Minbu market sees brisk sales
Sugar mills in Katha District produce over 63,000 tonnes of sugar
PRODUCTION of sugar mills in Katha District, Sagaing Re­gion is estimated at over 63,000 tonnes, according to