More than 5,000 measles deaths in DR Congo this year: WHO

Measles has killed more than 5,000 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo since January -- more than double the toll in the country's Ebola epidemic -- the World Health Organization said Wednesday.
Mass vaccination campaign against measles conducted in Twantay
The Department of Health under the Ministry of Health and Sports conducted a mass immunization campaign against measles at the gathering points in Twantay Township, Yangon Region today.
DoH conducts mass vaccination campaign in Chaungzon
The Department of Health under the Ministry of Health and Sports launched a mass immunization campaign against measles and rubella in Chaungzon Township, Mon State this morning.
Free eye care services offered in Aunglan
234 eye patients have been offered free eye care services at Sitagu Ayudana Hospital in Aunglan Township, Magway Region from 21 to 24 November.
E-cigs may damage the heart, study says
Vaping devices and the chemicals they deliver -- increasingly popular among teens -- may damage the cardiovascular system, a study said Thursday, adding to a growing chorus of concern over injury and deaths related to e-cigarettes.
Medical equipment donated to station hospital in Taninthayi Township
A ceremony to donate an X-ray machine worth Ks. 12 million to a station hospital took place in Taku model village in Taninthayi Township on 29 October.
DoH conducts mass vaccination campaign in Naga Region
The Department of Health under the Ministry of Health and Sports conducted a mass immunization campaign against polio, measles at a church in Htanpagway Town, Naga Self-Administered Zone in Sagaing Region this morning.