Myanmar nationals abroad fly back home by relief flights

The 13th relief flight of All Nippon Airways (ANA) organized by the Myanmar Embassy in Tokyo landed at Yangon International Airport bringing back a total of 138 Myanmar citizens after they were stranded in Japan due to the suspension of international flights yesterday evening.
CBM Governor discusses economic relief loan with IMF online
U Kyaw Kyaw Maung, the Governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar, participated in a virtual meeting with the International Monetary Fund yesterday morning in order to discuss matters related to getting a second loan from the fund under COVID-19 loan scheme.
Union Attorney-General receives UNODC Country Manager
Union Attorney-General U Tun Tun Oo received a courtesy call of UNODC Country Manager Mr Benedikt Hofmann at the former’s office in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.
Union Minister Dr Myint Htwe participates in Ministerial Meeting of Global HIV Prevention Coalition
Union Minister for Health and Sports Dr Myint Htwe participated in “The Ministerial Meeting of the Global HIV Prevention Coalition (GPC): HIV Prevention 2021-2025, Taking Stock, Planning the Future” hosted by UNAIDS headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland via videoconferencing yesterday afternoon.
ROK Embassy hands over 100 audio-guide to National Museum in Yangon
The Embassy of the Republic of Korea, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture, handed over 100 new audio-guide to National Museum in Yangon yesterday.
Paper reading session held virtually to mark Centenary of Yangon University
A paper reading session titled “Sustainable Development Goals to Transform Peaceful and Prosperous Myanmar” to mark the Centenary of Yangon University was held at the university’s research centre via videoconferencing yesterday.
Union Minister U Win Khaing attends 38th AMEM, associated meetings
Union Minister for Electricity and Energy U Win Khaing attended the virtual meeting of the 38th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting and associated meetings hosted by Viet Nam from 17 to 20 November yesterday morning from Nay Pyi Taw.