MPA: Yangon has seen 9 new jetties in 4 years

A total of nine new jetties, which can dock the international ships, were built in four years in Yangon, includinThilawa area. There are now a total of 42 jetties in Yangon Port, according to the official statistics of Myanma Port Authority (MPA).
Electrofishing users arrested in central Myanmar to prevent Ayeyawady dolphins from extinction
A combined team arrested the fishermen who did illegal electrofishing to prevent the Ayeyawady dolphins from extinction, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Myanmar.
UCSB Chairman joins 20th ACCSM, 5th Heads of ACCSM Plus Three Civil Service meetings online
The Heads of Civil Service for the 20th ACCSM and the 5th Heads of Meeting for ACCSM Plus Three organised by Office of Civil Service Commission, Thailand as the 2019-2020 rotated chair of ASEAN Cooperation on Civil Service Matters (ACCSM) have been held via videoconferencing yesterday morning and afternoon.
Union Minister Dr Win Myat Aye discusses COVID-19 preventive measures at social welfare training schools
Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Dr Win Myat Aye attended the coordination meeting on prevention of COVID-19 for children, women and staff cared in the training schools and sub-departments of the Social Welfare Department yesterday afternoon through videoconferencing.
Construction ministry discusses announcement of preferred bidder for elevated expressways project in Yangon
Union Minister for Construction U Han Zaw presided over the 4th meeting of the leading committee on construction of elevated expressways and outer ring road in Yangon yesterday afternoon.
17th M-HSCC meeting held virtually
The Ministry of Health and Sports presided over the 17th Myanmar Health Sector Coordination Committee (M-HSCC) meeting via videoconferencing on 17 November.
MoE, UNESCO-Myanmar jointly organize meeting on Education Sector Analysis
The Ministry of Education and the UNESCO-Myanmar jointly organized a virtual meeting on Education Sector Analysis yesterday afternoon.