Three gates on east side of MDY Royal Wall to explore

THE Mandalay Royal Wall is impressive, with three gates on each side of the royal wall and each gate with its own name.
276 Myanmar citizens brought back home from abroad by relief flights
THE 31st relief flight of Myanmar Airways International organized by the Myanmar Embassy in Seoul landed in Yangon yesterday afternoon, with 101 citizens stranded in foreign countries.
General Secretary of Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, People’s Republic of China and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway send Congratulatory messages to State Counsellor
State Counsellor chairs COVID-19 central committee meeting
STATE Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Chairperson of the National-Level Central Committee on Prevention, Control and Treatment of COVID-19, attended the committee meeting yesterday. 
Grass roots in Pinlon furnished with government’s COVID-19 cash aid
An event to present cash aid provided by the government amid the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic to grass roots was held at the office of Ward-3 Administrator in the town of Pinlon, Loilem District, Shan State (South) this afternoon.
Mass immunization campaign conducted in Tanaing Twsp.
Under the guidance of Ministry of Health and Sports, the township Maternal and Child Welfare Association conducted a mass immunization campaign in conjunction with a knowledge sharing event about the danger of COVID-19 pandemic in Tanaing Township, Myitkyina District, Kachin State on 17 November.
ROK donates 44,000 COVID-19 Antigen Test kits to Myanmar
The Republic of Korea donated US$425,360 worth of 44,000 COVID-19 Antigen Test kits to Myanmar yesterday.