Relief supply provided to IDPs in Namtu Twsp.

An event to provide relief supply to the Internal Displaced People who are taking shelter at three IDP camps was held at the Dhamayon in the town of Namtu, Kyaukme District, Shan State (North) this evening.
Two people allowed to go back home after 14-day quarantine in Kalinaung
Two people who returned from Thai and from the town of Ye in Mon State were allowed to go back home this morning after being placed under 14-day observation at a facility quarantine center in the town of Kalinaung, Dawei District, Tanintharyi Region.
Paletwa IDPs get food supplies from WFP
The World Food Programme (WFP) provided food supplies to the internally displaced people (IDPs) in Paletwa Township, Chin State.
Medical items donated to two hospitals in Hlaingbwe Twsp
The well-wishers donated medical equipment and medical supplies to two hospitals in Hlaingbwe Township, Kayin State on November 18.
Grassroots in Namhsan Twsp furnished with cash assistance
An event to provide cash assistance to the families who have very limited and irregular income was held at the meeting room of Palaung Self-Administered Zone Leading Body in Namhsan Township, Shan State on November 18.
Cash to be provided pregnant women, children under 2 years in Mongshu Twsp
A list is being reportedly conducted in Mongshu Township, Southern Shan State to provide cash assistance to pregnant women and children under the age of two.
Announcement on legal actions against electoral frauds