670 migrant workers come back home from Thailand via Myawady border on 11 June

A total of 670 migrant workers returned home through the Myanmar-Thai Friendship Bridge (2) of Myawady border town in Kayin State yesterday.
Supplies reach IDP camps, safe shelters for measures against COVID-19
The Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement is providing medical and relief items to the IDP camps and safe shelters in Shan, Chin and Rakhine states for prevention of COVID-19 transmission. 
NCA-S EAOs hold press conference on preparations for 4th Union Peace Conference
The Ethnic Armed Organizations—Signatories of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement organized a press conference yesterday afternoon on their preparations for the 4th round of Union Peace Conference—21st Century Panglong.
41 Myanmar migrant workers return home via Kawthoung border on 10 June
A total of 41 Myanmar nationals—20 males and 21 females— arrived back home through Kawthoung border from Ranong of Thailand -------
Union Minister Dr Win Myat Aye talks on resettlement of IDPs in Kachin State

Irrawaddy Green Towers donates electric generator, cash to medical research department

Union ministries discuss National Tourism Guidelines for COVID-19 Safe Services