State Counsellor holds videoconference to discuss relief aid for grassroots people with irregular incomes

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, in her capacity as Chairperson of the National-Level Central Committee on Prevention, Control and Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)-----
ACC holds virtual workshop on corruption risk assessment
The Anti-Corruption Commission began an online workshop yesterday with the participation of Corruption Prevention Units from the Union-level organizations and the Union ministries.
Fingerlings released into lakes in Demoso Tsp.
With the aim of promoting fish production and preventing fish depletion, Fisheries Department is undertaking to release fingerlings into natural lakes-----------
28 houses in Yenagyaung Tsp. removed to safety places due to riverbank erosion
Due to the Ayeyawady Riverbank erosion, houses nearby the riverbank in Yenangyaung Township, Magway Region were removed to safety places starting --------
Ex-servicemen in Myaungmya received foodstuff 
Deputy Commander of Southwestern Command Brigadier General Aung Khin Zaw and members donated foodstuff to ex-servicemen amid the outbreak of COVID-19 in Myaungmya Township, Ayeyarwady Region yesterday.
Facial masks, carbolic soap distributed to locals in Kyaikmaraw Tsp.
Under the leadership of the township committee on COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment, measures have been stepped up to fight against the virus at the crowded places in Kyaikmaraw Township, Mon State this morning.
Medical equipment donated to hospital in Tanintharyi Tsp.
An event to donate medical equipment for containing coronavirus was held at the meeting room of people’s hospital in Tanintharyi Township, Taninthary Region yesterday.