Developmental works in Kyaikmaraw Tsp. inspected

MP U Saw Kyaw Win Maung of Pyithu Hluttaw, MP U Khin Zaw Oo of Amyotha Hluttaw and officials oversaw the developmental works such as ------
Construction of school building in Lashi Tsp. completed by 50 percent
Officials from Lashi Township Department of Development for Border Areas and National Races made an inspection at the construction site of school building in Kukeeywama village in Lashi Township, Naga Self-Administered Zone, Sagaing Region yesterday.
Disinfection works conducted in Myinmu Tsp. IPRD 
With the aim of preventing the spread of COVID-19, disinfection work was carried out in an office of Myinmu Township Information and Public Relations Department this morning.
Well-wishers disinfect schools in Namtu
As part of efforts to control the spread of COVID-19, staff from the Department of Social Welfare and well-wishers sprayed disinfectants in schools in Namtu Township, Shan State yesterday.
Foodstuff donated to patients in Tedim hospital 
The Tatmadaw members provided food rations to in-Patients in the hospital amid the outbreak of COVID-19 in Tedim Township, Chin State this morning.
Pregnant women, children from IDP camps in Namtu receive cash aid

Funds of Emerald Green Project handed over in Ayadaw Tsp.