WFP donates rice sacks to Mohnyin township COVID-19 response committee

An event to donate 112 sacks of rice to the township level COVID-19 response committee by World Food Programme (WFP) was held at the meeting room of the township administrator in Mohnyin, Kachin State yesterday.
Quarantine center-turned schools disinfected in Thazi Twsp
Some schools that were used as quarantine centers for the returnees during the control and prevention of COVID-19 pandemic have been sprayed with disinfectant on 8 June.
Construction of medical staff housing in Mong Hsu Tsp. completed by 70 percent
Construction of medical staff housing is being conducted in Mong Hsu Township, Loilem District, Shan State (South) and now it has been completed by 70 percent.
Inter-village road under construction in ChaungU Twsp
A rural road is being built in Hteekyone Village, ChaungU Township in Sagaing Region, said Regional Lawmaker U Win Myint Khin.
Construction of rural bridge 100 % completed in Bhamo Twsp
Local people Sarwatee Village, Bhamo Township in Kachin State are now able to use a rural bridge built by the Ministry of Border Affairs on an inter-village road.
Kayin State parliament speaker joins tree planting event in Hlaingbwe Twsp
Speaker of Kayin State parliament U Saw Chit Khin attended a tree growing event in Komaung Village in Hlaingbwe Township in Kayin State this morning.
High transport charges, weak Yuan plunge green gram, sesame prices 
THE prices of green gram and sesame seeds are sharply falling due to the depreciation of Yuan, coupled with high transport charges, Mandalay bean traders said.