Implementation of water supply project inspected in Ngaphe Tsp

The township Rural Development Department head U Wai  Lin Maung and staff made a field trip to inspect the implementation of water supply project in the village .............
MCC gets ten complaints on unfair competition in a year
THE Myanmar Competition Commission (MCC) has received ten complaints of unfair competition in the local market in one year, said U Ko Ko Lay, .............
Farmers carrying out mixed farming of Mash melon and chilli
Local farmers in ChaungU Township are growing mash melon, which is a marketable product in foreign countries, along with chilli. The mixed farming has been a success .............
Union Minister for Information, artistes discuss development of music industry

UEC Chairman meets Mandalay election sub-commisssions

Union Planning, Finance, Industry Minister inspects Customs House

National Water Resources Committee HQ begins construction in Yangon