Dhamma school teachership training course concludes in Minhla

The closing of a Dhamma school teachership training course took place in Minhla Township, Bago Region on 26 December.
Refresher training course for auxiliary firefighters wraps up in Papun
The closing ceremony of a refresher training course for auxiliary firefighters was held at the township fire brigade in Papun Township, Kayin State this morning.
Developmental works inspected in Kawthoung Tsp.
MP U Khin Zaw of Pyithu Hluttaw, MP U Nay Tun of regional Hluttaw, departmental personnel, tender winning companies and local residents ...........
Tatmadaw families make donations at Sitagu Int’l Buddhist Academy
Families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) made cash donation and Sitagu water donation for Buddhist academies throughout Myanmar with a ceremony .............
Ministry unveils national strategy on resettlement of IDPs, camp closures
The Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement outlined the national strategy on the resettlement of internally displaced persons (IDPs) ..............
MS Genting Dream cruise ship tours Kawthoung on Christmas
THE MS Genting Dream came for a one-day visit to NyaungOoPhee Island in Kawthoung Township, Taninthayi Region, on 25 December carrying international visitors from different nations.
Kayin New year celebrated in YGN’s National Races Village
Kayin New Year was celebrated at National Races Village, Thakayta Township, Yangon, at 5:40 am yesterday.