Estimated loss of property due to natural disasters in Putao District sees Ks. 40 million

The estimated loss of property due to natural disasters in Putao District, Kachin State during the period from 5 to 17 July was over Ks. 40 million, according to the figures compiled by the General Administration Department.
Temporary land use certificates presented to farmers in Shadaw
The Department of Agriculture Land Management and Statistics under issued temporary land use certificates to farmers from two villages at its office in Shadaw Township, Kayah State on 23 July.
17th coordination meeting on Thandaunggyi area tourism development held
With a view to boosting tourism in Thandaunggyi area in Kayin state, a coordination meeting was held at the 100-years-old castle in the town of Thandaunggyi, yesterday morning.
Fingerlings released into Namtom creek in Mongtong Tsp
A ceremony to release fingerlings into Namtom creek in Mongtong township in Shan state (east) was held yesterday afternoon. 
Turmeric farms yield successful results
TURMERIC plants are being cultivated with irrigation water in the east regions of Kyaukse Township, Mandalay Region.
Myeik inshore fishery businessmen call for increase in vessel size
INSHORE fishermen have asked for an increase in vessel size limits up to 50 ft in length with under 120 horsepower engines to improve the performance of boats, during the recent coordination meeting.
Upgrading almost complete at Thakayta crocodile farm
The Thakayta crocodile farm has undertaken to upgrade its facilities and conserve the endangered species, while the work is nearly finished.