Those who assisted in Bagan being named to World Heritage List honoured in Nay Pyi Taw

President U Win Myint and State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi attended a ceremony yesterday----------
Public talks on scourge of drugs conducted in Kani Tsp. 
Public talks titled “Youth and Scourge of Narcotic Drugs” were conducted at the meeting hall of B.E.H.S in the town of Kani, Yinmabin District in the Sagaing Region yesterday.
Book donation ceremony conducted in Kyaikmaraw Tsp.
With the aim of improving libraries status in rural areas and boosting reading habit of local people---------
Cash assistance provided to Students in Kyaikdon
A ceremony to provide cash assistance to the offspring of General Administration Department was held---------
Loans disbursed to implement emerald green projects in GyobingaukTsp.
With the aim of boosting the income of local people and their socio-economic status, a total of K 35.0 million loans--------
Informative talk given in Zalun Tsp
An informative talk was given at BEHS Maryland in the township of Zalun in Ayeyarwady region this morning------------
Mobile training course on vocational industry opens in Hsinbaungwe
The Ministry of Industry and the local government jointly organized a mobile training course on vocational industry at a monastery in Chaungkauk Village, Hsinbaungwe Township in Magway Region this morning.