An overlooked factor

During my visit to the Development Affairs Committee Office in Meiktila------------
UEC meets with media for 2020 General Election
A meeting on collaboration of the Union Election Commission and Myanmar Media Council with media---------
Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker holds coord meeting with committees
The second coordination meeting for 2019 was held yesterday at the Pyithu Hluttaw in Nay Pyi Taw-----------
Indaw farmers hit hard by dry weather
Local farmers in Indaw Township, Sagaing Region, are facing difficulties because of the ongoing drought, according to local residents.
Bodhi Tahtaung elephant camp opens in Monywa
The opening ceremony for the Bodhi Tahtaung elephant camp was held in the morning of 14 July in Bodhi Tahtaung pagoda precinct in Monywa Township, Sagaing Region.
Workshop on introducing ASEAN Safe School Initiative held
A workshop on introducing ASEAN Safe School Initiative was held at Thingaha Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw at 9 am yesterday.
Amyotha Hluttaw Deputy Speaker U Aye Tha Aung receives Serbian Ambassador
Amyotha Hluttaw Deputy Speaker U Aye Tha Aung received Serbian Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Miodrag Nikolin in Amyotha Hluttaw J Hall in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.