Thai gov’t deports undocumented migrant workers to Kawthoung

A total of 61 Myanmar migrant workers including 50 men, nine women and two children were sent back from Thailand through Kawthoung border gate on Wednesday evening for not holding proper documentation.
Over 8,000 acres of farmland in Bhamo Tsp. flooded
The torrential rains caused the upper Ayeyawady River in Kachin State to increase its water level up to 1222 cm exceeding the danger level.
Public talk titled “Prevention on Trafficking in Persons” conducted in South Okkalapa Tsp.
A public talk titled “Prevention on Trafficking in Persons” was jointly conducted by Township General Administration Department, Basic Education Department and Information and Public Relations Department at No.2 Basic Education High School in Soutn Okkalapa Township, Yangon this morning.
Essay writing competition held in Mattaya
In commemoration of the 72nd Martyr’s Day, an essay writing competition, organized by the Township IPRD, was conducted in Mattay, Mandalay Region yesterday.
Disabled people in Myaungmya provided with cash assistance
Staff from the Department of Social Welfare presented cash assistance to the disabled people in Myaungmya Township, Ayeyawady Region on 17 July.
Over 2000 Katha residents affected by floods
Employees from the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement rushed to the flooded areas in Katha Township, Sagaing Region to furnish the flood victims with relief items on 17 July.
Floods cause 3700 KhinU residents to take shelter at temporary relief camps
The water level of Ayeyawady River is rising fast and some houses, schools, rural clinics, libraries, police outposts and government offices in KhinU Township, Sagaing Region were submerged by floodwaters