State Counsellor opens Yangon Innovation Centre

The opening ceremony of the Yangon Innovation Centre was held in front of that building in the compound of Health Port at the corner of Pansodan road and Strand road in Seikkan Township, Yangon Region, at 10 am yesterday. State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi delivered a speech at the ceremony.
Visitors to the Bogyoke Aung san Museum sre requested not to bring drones or fly them
'Notice for visitors to Bogyoke Aung San Museum' you are respectfully requested not to bring the following items into the museum
Monsoon rains wreaking flood havoc across South Asia
Torrential monsoon rains swept away homes and triggered landslides across South Asia, affecting millions of people and claiming at least 180 lives, officials said Tuesday.
Rising floodwaters from Ayeyawady River affect residents in Htigyaing
According to the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology’s observations at 8 a.m. on 16 July, the water level of the Ayeyawady River reached 871 centimeters, 41 centimeters above its danger level.
Ancient Buddha statues found in Twantay Township
Ancient Buddha statues were found while removing the bushes around the pavement in Thawuntaw village-tract, Twantay Township, Yangon Region on Sunday.
Goods flow restricted on Myanmar-India friendship bridge
The flow of goods on the Myanmar-India Friendship bridge in Reedhorda town of northern Chin State has been restricted since 15 July.