Agricultural technique disseminating center to be opened in Gangaw

At the center, special seeds of sesame, pigeon pea and other kinds of bean will be distributed to farmers and cultivated
Kalakote Island in Ye Tonwhsip hit-hard by storm
The storm flattened about 150 houses and three school buildings with 100 house roofs flipped over and trees and power poles knocked down. 
Rural bridge in Palaw Township 20 % completed
An inter-village bridge in Palaw Township, Taninthayi Region is being built by Bridge Construction Group-9 under the Ministry of Construction and it is about 40 percent complete, said an official from the construction site.
Ethnic people in Kunlon Township forcibly recruited by MNDAA
About 250 ethnic people from three villages in Kunlon Township in Northern Shan State have fled to a safer place on 6 January as they were forcibly recruited by Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA).
North Okkalapa fire victims furnished with relief supplies
The fire engulfed nine nearby houses, making 48 people from 20 households homeless. 
Over 2,000 villages remain without electricity in Mandalay Region
A total of 2,100 villages out of 4,807 in Mandalay Region do not enjoy electricity yet, according to the Regional Department of Electricity and Energy.
Certificate of honors awarded in Danubyu Township
A ceremony to award certificate of honor for the village waste management committee was held at Yagwinset village, Konetane village tract in Danubyu Township yesterday morning with an introductory speech by Danubyu Township General Administrator U Kyaw Kyaw Oo.