US partial govt. shutdown to extend into New Year

The US government will remain partially shut down into the New Year, as Congress wrapped up the last day of 2018 without holding substantial talks on spending bills.
Turkish TV airs images of purported body transfer
A Turkish TV station has broadcast footage showing men carrying what is purportedly the remains of journalist Jamal Khashoggi to the Saudi consul-general's residence in Istanbul.
Russia detains US citizen on suspicion of spying
Russian security authorities have detained a US citizen in Moscow on suspicion of spying.
Over 100,000 people expected to watch London New Year's Eve firework display
More than 100,000 spectators are expected to descend on central London to watch New Year's Eve fireworks display Monday night, according to local media reports.
41 missing after fatal landslides in western Indonesia
A total of 41 villagers were missing after fatal landslides struck Suka Bumi district in Indonesia's West Java province on Monday,
Pompeo to visit Colombia amid tensions with Venezuela
December 29, 2018 BOGOTA(Colombia) — US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will meet Colombian President Ivan Duque in the