11th coord meeting to produce Bogyoke Aung San biopic held in Yangon

An eleventh coordination meeting of the work committee to produce biography film of Bogyoke Aung San was held at Kanbawa Avenue in Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Yangon yesterday afternoon.
Union Minister U Kyaw Tin opens MAWFA Fundraising and Charity Bazaar 2019
Union Minister for International Cooperation U Kyaw Tin attended and made an inaugural remark at the opening ceremony of the “Myanmar ASEAN Women’s Friendship Association(MAWFA) Fundraising and Charity Bazaar 2019” which was held at 09:00 a.m. on 14 September 2019 at the Yangon Convention Center, Inya Lake Hotel in Yangon.
Myettananda Foundation provides Computers to Mahlaing B.E.H.S
A ceremony to provide computers to B.E.H.S was held at the hall of Ayeyawaddy in B.E.H.S in the town of Mahlaing, Meiktila District, Mandalay Region this morning.
Eye specialists provide free eye care services to patients in Salingyi Tsp.
Free eye care services are being provided to local people at Sasana Beikman in the town of Salingyi, Monywa District, Sagaing Region this morning.
Informative talk about human trafficking prevention conducted in Bhamo
A ceremony to open the seventh Anti-Trafficking in Persons Day of Myanmar was held at the hall of Aungtakhon in B.E.H.S-1 in Bhamo, Kachin State yesterday.
Schools reopen in Tanintharyi as flood water recedes
All the schools have reopened in Tanintharyi Township, Myeik District in the Taninthayi Region on 13 September as the water level and road and communications have returned to normal, according to the Township Education officer’s Office.
Financial aid provided to elderly people, pregnant women, children in Dimawso Tsp
A ceremony to provide cash assistance to elderly people, pregnant women and children below two years old was held at the hall of Saint Joseph Church in the town of Dimawso, Kayah State yesterday.