K-pop star Goo Hara found dead at her home

K-pop star Goo Hara was found dead at her home on Sunday, South Korean police confirmed.
Hong Kong pro-democracy camp set for landslide win
In Hong Kong, the pro-democracy camp is set for a landslide win in Sunday's local elections by gaining more seats than those who are pro-Beijing.
Johnson pledges leaving EU on January 31
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson promised that his country will leave the European Union by the January 31 deadline.
Death toll from Kenyan landslide reaches 43 as rescue efforts continue
The death toll from landslides that hit villages in northwestern Kenyan county of West Pokot has reached 43 as search and rescue efforts for the missing victims gather pace, local officials confirmed on Sunday.
Plane crash kills 24 in DR Congo
The BBC reports that at least 24 people have died after a propeller plane crashed into a residential area in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Protesters tear-gassed in Bogota as Duque starts 'national conversation'
Security forces tear-gassed protesters who filled the streets of Bogota on Saturday for a third straight day, as President Ivan Duque announced the start of a "national conversation" to assuage popular anger.
Hong Kong holds district elections
People in Hong Kong are voting in the territory's first major elections since pro-democracy protests broke out over five months ago. NHK World's Keiichi Takamura has the following report on what to expect from the closely watched vote.