Two killed in shooting near synagogue in Germany
Two people have been killed in a shooting near a synagogue in eastern Germany. Police have detained a man in connection with the shooting.
Thai park where 11 elephants died in waterfall strengthens fences
Five more dead elephants have been found at the bottom of a Thai waterfall known as "Hell's Abyss", the environment minister said Wednesday, as rangers reinforced barriers to try to stop the creatures wandering into the dangerous area.
Turkey starts ground offensive into Syria
Turkey's defense ministry says the military has launched ground operations into northern Syria. They are targeting Kurdish forces. The Kurdish side says eight people, including civilians, have been killed.
Typhoon may force suspension of Tokyo trains
East Japan Railway Company says it may suspend some train services this weekend as Typhoon Hagibis is forecast to hit the Tokyo area on Saturday and Sunday.
Ex-president Bush's paintings tell of toll on those he sent to war
In some paintings, the wounds are plain to see: an arm or leg lost to war. In others, the injuries that US veterans suffered are hidden from view.
Iran launches military drill near Turkey border
The Iranian Army Ground Force launched a war game in the country's northwestern region on Wednesday, Tasnim news agency reported.