Ecuador protesters break into Congress

Ecuadoran protesters broke into the country's Congress building on Monday as demonstrations over a fuel hike introduced by President Lenin Moreno's government intensified.
Saudi Arabia eases foreign tourists restrictions
Saudi Arabia has made itself more open to foreign tourists by allowing unmarried couples to share hotel rooms.
Japan, US, S.Korea to work closely on N.Korea
Diplomats from Japan, the United States and South Korea meeting in Washington on Tuesday reaffirmed the importance of cooperation in working toward the denuclearization of North Korea.
Iran women allowed into football stadium for first time in decades
Iranian women fans are free to enter a football stadium Thursday for the first time in decades, after FIFA threatened to suspend the Islamic republic over its controversial male-only policy.
Afghan raid kills top Al-Qaeda commander
Afghanistan's government has announced it has killed a top commander of Al-Qaeda in an operation backed by the United States and intended to help weaken terrorists' stronghold in the country.
UN in the red, staff salaries at risk
The United Nations has an overall annual operating budget of several billion dollars, covering everything from humanitarian work to disarmament, but right now, it's just trying to make sure its employees get paid after this month.
India on the frontline of the fight against tuberculosis
All the symptoms were there but it still took four doctors and several months of waiting before Bharti Kapar's cough and stomach pains were diagnosed as tuberculosis.