Bangladeshi shaved wife's head after finding hair in food

A Bangladeshi who forcibly shaved his wife's head after finding a hair in his breakfast has been arrested, police said Tuesday, as rights groups warned violence against women was rising in the conservative Muslim nation.
Turkey preparations for Syria offensive 'completed'
Turkey's preparations for an offensive in northern Syria have been "completed", the defence ministry said Tuesday, after confusing signals from the US over whether it would allow an operation.
India on the frontline of the fight against tuberculosis
All the symptoms were there but it still took four doctors and several months of waiting before Bharti Kapar's cough and stomach pains were diagnosed as tuberculosis.
Airstrike targets field hospital in southern Tripoli
An airstrike on Monday killed a doctor and injured two paramedics working in a field hospital in the south of Tripoli, which has been witnessing a deadly armed conflict between the east-based rebel army and the UN-backed government based in the capital.
Hong Kong 'won't rule out' Chinese help over protests: leader
Hong Kong's under-fire leader Carrie Lam said Tuesday she would not rule out accepting help from mainland China in tackling increasingly violent pro-democracy protests.
France to ask Chile to hand over murder suspect
French authorities are expected to ask Chile to hand over a man who is wanted on suspicion of murdering a Japanese student in eastern France three years ago.
North Korea says no talks unless US stops hostile policies
North Korea said Sunday it has "no intention" to continue nuclear talks unless the United States takes steps to end hostilities, a day after negotiations in Sweden broke down.