Going to Shein Ma Kar

SHEIN Ma  Kar  in  Myanmar  language  was  spelt  differently  in  the  past  and  the  present.  However it was written or spelt, people are sure to associate the word with a small town (or a big village),  -------
Kawthoung teemed with visitors during Thadingyut holidays
With the boom of tourism industry in Taninthayi Region, Kawthoung, a border town with Thailand is crowded with local and foreign visitors during Thadingyut holidays.
Heritages of laterite culture
Maung Tha (Archaeology) A RCHITECTURAL works, sculptural works and religious monuments made of laterite can generally be dubbed as laterite culture. Professor G.H. Luce firstly used the word “laterite culture” as examples for Kyaikhtihsaung Pagoda and its walls decorated with reliefs of elephant and horse troops in Zokthok Village, Bilin Township, Mon State. Myanmar dictionary defines laterite is mixed with clay and rust.
Voices of people on holiday

Tomb of Poet King Nat Shin Naung in Thanlyin
We knew of Nat Shin Naung ever since we were young after being taught about him in our school lessons.
Bagan and Manuha

Tourists visiting Myanmar on cruise ships