Air raids on Gaza continue


Israel continued its heavy air assault on the Gaza Strip into Monday, with more strikes anticipated.

Clashes between Israeli forces and the Islamic fundamentalist group Hamas have killed hundreds and forced tens of thousands from their homes.

Israeli defense forces ramped up air raids on what they said were Hamas positions including buildings that house ordinary citizens.

So far, more than 200 people have been killed in the Gaza Strip, which is effectively controlled by Hamas.

Rockets fired by Hamas into Israel have killed 10 people.

On both sides of the conflict, children have been among the dead.

The United Nations says over 38,000 people are internally displaced, and taking shelter in schools.

The air attacks damaged power systems causing blackouts and Israeli checkpoints have created fuel shortages.

Up to now, diplomatic efforts to stop the violence have failed.

US President Joe Biden took up calls for a ceasefire, in his latest call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The White House says Biden encouraged Israel to ensure "innocent civilians" are protected while reiterating his support for the nation's "right to defend itself."

Earlier Monday, the Egyptian and French presidents discussed plans to lobby for an end to the current conflict.
