Second Amyotha Hluttaw convenes 22nd meeting for 13th Regular Session

19 September

The Second Amyotha Hluttaw discussed asterisk questions, approved the Myanmar Medical Degree, Diploma and Certificates Bill and accepted a committee report on the questions and motions made in its 12th Regular Session, during the 22nd-day meeting of the 13th Regular Session yesterday.

Marble mining, bridge, road construction

During question time, the first asterisk question was raised by MP Dr Kyaw Than Tun (Ken Tong) of Mandalay Region constituency 3. He asked whether marble mining by Pacific Bold Paragon Co Ltd near Sakyin Village in Madaya Township, Mandalay Region, will be halted and re-administered by the Union Government.

Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Dr Ye Myint Swe replied that the Ministry of Industry signed a contract to share the benefits derived from production on the 135.96-acre quarry at Kamma Mountain near Sakyin Village.

He said it is that ministry’s sole decision to construct a slab factory and lease it to Pacific Bold Paragon Group Co Ltd. He said his ministry will coordinate with the Ministry of Industry to handle the situation and possibly implement government administration over the process.

Next, MP Saw Yhar Paung Aua of Kayin State constituency 12 raised a question on whether the four bridges on the Thanbyuzayat-Phayathonzu Road in Kya-in-Seikkyi Township, Kawkareik District, Kayin State, will be completed in the 2019-2020 FY.

Deputy Construction Minister U Kyaw Lin replied that funds to construct the steel reinforced concrete bridges mentioned by the MP have been submitted in the budget proposal for 2020-2021 FY and work will follow accordingly if funds are allotted.

Next, MP U Hla Oo of Sagaing Region constituency 4 asked in which FY’s budget proposal will a request for funds to expand the width of the earthen road connecting Chindwin Village and Wetpote Village in Budalin Township, Sagaing Region, to 18 feet be included.

Deputy Minister U Kyaw Lin replied that the road in question is ranked as a Class B 1st priority and the request for funds will thus be included in the budget proposal for 2020-2021 FY from the Union fund.

Assembly approves medical qualification bill

Following this, Amyotha Hluttaw Bill Committee member U Kyaw Kyaw read the committee’s report on the Myanmar Medical Degree, Diploma and Certificates Bill sent back with amendments and approval from the Pyithu Hluttaw. Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than then approved the bill after collecting the assembly’s decision.

MP calls for serious answers from ministries

Afterwards, MPs discussed the report from the Amyotha Hluttaw Government’s Guarantees, Pledges and Undertakings Vetting Committee concerning the motions tabled and questions raised during the 12th Regular Session of the Second Amyotha Hluttaw.

MP U Myint Naing of Rakhine State constituency 5 said the ministries not answering questions raised by MPs seriously shows negligence to the needs of the people and weak respect towards the Hluttaw.

He said MPs only raise questions that concern the needs and proposals of their constituents. He requested the committee and the Hluttaw Speaker to urge the ministries to provide comprehensive answers.

The report was further debated by MP U Maung Maung Ohn of Ayeyawady Region constituency 5, MP U Shay Yel Shu Maung of Kayah State constituency 2, MP Salai Myo Htike of Chin State constituency 12, and MP Daw Khin Swe Lwin of Chin State constituency 9.

U Thein Swe, Chairman of the Amyotha Hluttaw Government’s Guarantees, Pledges and Undertakings Vetting Committee, then said he eagerly welcomes the discussions and suggestions made by the Hluttaw representatives.

He said the committee will invite the MPs, ministries and officials to coordinate and discuss during the upcoming 14th Regular Session and invited MPs to debate and provide suggestions for the committee’s future reports as well.

U Thein Swe then tabled a motion for the assembly to accept the report. The Speaker gathered the deliberation of the Hluttaw, received no opposition, and announced the Hluttaw’s acceptance of the report.

The 23rd-day meeting of the Second Amyotha Hluttaw’s 13th Regular Session will be held today.

Aung Ye Twin
(Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)