Thirteenth session of Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw begins

THE Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw commenced the first day of its 13th regular session at the Hluttaw Building in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.
Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session commences

THE first-day meeting of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session was held at the

Second Amyotha Hluttaw’s 13th regular session holds first day meeting

The 13th regular session of Second Amyotha Hluttaw held its first-day meeting at the Amyot

Multiplier course on taking census and compiling voter’s list opens in Dagon Myothit
A multiplier course on taking census and compiling voter’s list was opened at the meeting room of the industrial zone (1) management committee in Dagon Myothit Township, Yangon Region yesterday.
Electoral training course opens in Kalay
A multiplier course on taking census and compiling voter’s list was held at auditorium of the General Administration Department in Kalay, Sagaing Region this morning.
MP U Tun Tun Oo named Bago Regional Minister for Immigration and HRD
MP U Tun Tun Oo from Paungde Constituency has been appointed Regional Minister for Immigration and Human Resource Development during a parliamentary session in Bago this morning.
Electoral training course conducts in Momeik
With a view to successfully holding the 2020 General Elections, a training course on taking census and compiling voter’s list was conducted at the meeting room of the General Administration Department in Momeik, Northern Shan State this morning.