Myanmar nationals abroad brought back home by relief flights

The 21st relief flight of All Nippon Airways (ANA) organized by the Myanmar Embassy in Tokyo landed at Yangon International Airport yesterday bringing back the Myanmar nationals and Myanmar seamen who were stranded in Japan due to the suspension of international flights.
Announcement of Union Election Commission to Voters (28 January 2021)
The Union Election Commission has peacefully and successfully organized the 2020 General Election under the five norms of free, fair, transparent, credible and reflecting the will of the people, and invited the participation of relevant stakeholders with the elections.
State Counsellor makes public speech on COVID-19 vaccination programme of Myanmar
As all the people know already that we began the COVID vaccinations the other day. The first vaccinations were given to our healthcare personnel and volunteers who are providing healthcare services on the frontlines.
Mongnwe village in Tiddim Twsp receives solar-generated electricity
With the aim to have access to electricity around the nation by 2030, the Ministry of Electricity and Energy is attempting to distribute electricity across the nation. Under NEP (IT-1), the electricity supply projects ------------
Groundbreaking ceremony for construction of staff housing held in Ye Tsp.
A groundbreaking ceremony for construction of staff housing of Ye Township General Administration Department was held in Ye Township, Mon State on January 28.
People with irregular income in Mingala Taungnyunt receive cash aid
Officials from the township Department Social Welfare provided cash assistance to the families who have very limited and irregular income amid the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in Mingala Taungnyunt Township, Yangon Region this morning on a door to door basis.
Stake-driving ceremony for new buildings of Govt. Technology School held in Hpa-an Twsp.
A ceremony to drive stakes for construction of new buildings of Hpa-an Goverment Technology School was held at near industrial zone in Sanfri village track, Hpa-an Township, Kayin State yesterday.