Students aged 12 and above in Hsihseng receive Covid-19 vaccine 

Students aged 12 and above received their first and second dose of Covid-19 vaccines at B.E.H.S in Bayabyu Village in Hsihseng Township, Pa'O Self-Administered Zone, Shan State (South) this morning.
Elderly people in Kawkreik receive social pension 
A ceremony to dispense social pension to senior citizens aged 85 and above was held at the meeting room of the Township General Administration Department in the Town of Kawkareik, Kayin State on 9 December.
449 more Myanmar migrant workers arrive from Thailand
449 more Myanmar migrant workers including 279 men and 170 women who returned from Thailand entered in to Myanmar via No.(1) Myanmar-Thai Friendship Bridge on 9 December.
Refresher course for tutors, demonstrators concludes in Mohnyin
A ceremony to wrap up a refresher course for tutors and demonstrators was held at Yadana Hall of Mohnyin University in conjunction with presentation of completion certificates to fresher in Kachin State on 9 December.
Over 45000 people in Myinmu Township receive COVID-19 vaccination 
A total of 45350 local people in Myinmu Township, Sagaing District, Sagain Region have received COVID-19 vaccination.
Funds of VDP handed over to implement developmental works in Yedashe Township
A ceremony to hand over funds of VDP to members of respective village committees was held at the Yedashe Township General Administration Department on 9 December.
Water distribution projects conducted in Meiktila Township
With the aim of distributing water to three villages in Meiktila Township in Mandalay Region, Township Department of Rural Development is undertaking water supply projects in the villages during 2021-2022 FY.