Three dead, 9 injured after mini-truck accident in Dimawhso

Three people were killed and nine others injured after a mini-truck overturned in Dimawhso Township, Kayah State, the Ministry of Home Affairs reported.
Man injured as six-wheeled truck overturns in Yekyi Twsp.
No one was injured after a six-wheeled truck overturned in Yekyi Township, Ayeyawady Region.
Two men die after car hits tree in Pengwegon Twsp.
Two men died on the scene after a six-wheeled truck crashed into a tree in Pengwegon Township, Bago Region.
Fire breaks out in Kyainglap

Air raids kill 21 Taliban fighters in Afghanistan's Jawzjan province

At least 10 killed in super cyclone Amphan in eastern India state: official

Police seize pistol, bullets from Muse man
An unlicensed pistol and some bullets were confiscated from a man in Muse, a border town in Northern Shan State on 17 May.