ID cards issued to local people in Mawkmai Twsp.

A ceremony to issue identity cards (ID) to local people was held at the Monastery in Nataung Village in Mawkmai Township, Shan State (South) yesterday.
People with irregular income in Mansi Twsp. receive cash aid
Local authorities presented cash aid provided by the government amid the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic to the unemployment people ---
Mass immunization campaign conducted in Leiktho
Under the guidance of Ministry of Health and Sports, medical staff from Leiktho Station Hospital conducted a mass immunization campaign in Upper Alechaung and Lower Alechaung Villages, Leiktho sub-Township, Thandaunggyi Township, Kayin State this morning.
Cash aids provided to farmers for damaged crops 
A ceremony to provide cash aids to farmers for damaged crops due to natural disaster happened in Katha, Kawlin and Htigyaing Townships in Katha District, Sagaing Region in 2018-2019 FY was held at an office of the District Management Committee yesterday.
DRD-financed rural road to benefit 1,100 locals in Katha Twsp
Construction of a rural road in Ngategyi Village, Katha Township in Sagaing Region has reportedly been 100 percent completed.
265 Myanmar citizens repatriated from Thailand
257 Myanmar citizens and eight Myanmar nationals who served prison term in Thailand for breaching offenses totaling 265 came back home from Thailand through No.2 Friendship Bridge in Tachilek, Shan State on July 8.     
Rural electrification facility goes into operation in Myothit Twsp
An event to inaugurate a rural electrification facility was held in Theepin Village, Myothit Township in Magway Region yesterday evening.